Innovating virtual collection through automation

Receive debt payoffs faster through an automated, intuitive virtual debt collection process.

Virtual Collector Transforms collections into revenue

Avnovo makes it easy to digitize your payment requirements by moving your entire financial process to the cloud with our virtual collector.

Our Virtual Collector emulates your best agents, reducing time, resources, and stress while increasing debt collection efficiency.

With Virtual Collector, operational costs decrease up to 20%, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

It even allows you to build dynamic settlement options for your customers that adhere to custom, profile-specific rules, increasing successful collection potential.

Streamlined, efficient debt collection

Give customers a stress-free collection experience that eliminates the negative stereotypes surrounding debt collection.

Automate for more efficient virtual debt collection

Strategize and adjust to make the virtual collection experience as efficient as possible.

Customer-based, flexible settlement options

Form your settlement options around customer needs and debt categories, and create as many offers as you need to maximize payments received.

Decrease operational costs while increasing collection rates

Reduce charge-offs by 10% with our virtual collection tool, which collects nearly $2 billion in debt annually from the world’s top companies.

Create collection options for consistent, stress-free follow-through

Test, adjust and improve your collection strategy with ease by creating virtual debt collection options that vary per customer.

Use a collection tool that scales with you

Our Virtual collector scales according to the market and your business needs while maintaining full PCI compliance.

Decrease payment friction

Make it easier on your employees and your customers with a streamlined, automated, and hassle-free payment process. Everyone will thank you for it!

Say goodbye to checks and hello to stress-free processing.

  • Paperless payments

  • Zero cost

  • Real-time tracking

  • Simplified reporting

  • Enhanced visibility

Transform your payment plans by increasing flexibility, agility, and dependability.

With Avnovo’s simplified payment plans, you can easily and cost-effectively streamline your business’s payment processing to save more administrative resources while improving receivables collection. Keep your customers abreast of upcoming payments, invoices, and any delinquency issues.

Use effective premade templates or create your own communications with our completely customizable options. Easily choose the frequency of payments.

Flexible Invoicing

Send notifications and completely automate invoice reminders.

Effective communications workflows

With Avnovo, it’s easy to automate receivables. You can completely customize the communication and workflow for optimal customer experience.

  • Define the type and frequency of communications

  • Input opt-in and opt-out features for both email and SMS communications

Provide personalized settlement options in seconds

Personalize your offers based on a client’s financial situation to maximize the probability of receiving on-time payments through a virtual collection platform designed for customization. Our budget calculator tool allows them to plan ahead based on current or expected income and expenses and create a personal, affordable payment plan.

Make payments a strategic advantage for your business

Please let us know if you have a question, or would like further information about Avnovo

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